2021 Ontario Economic Report Launch

2021 Ontario Economic Report Launch

January 13, 2021
Publish Date:
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
File Attachment:
2021 Ontario Economic Report Launch


Join the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) on Thursday, January 28 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am for the release of the fifth annual Ontario Economic Report (OER). Click here to register.

As the OCC's flagship report, the OER will highlight the unprecedented year that was 2020 and the unpredictability that lies in the year ahead.

Now more than ever we need data and evidence-based policy to drive our decision-making. Understanding Ontario’s economic outlook and the experiences of businesses of all sizes across the province is paramount to informing Ontario's economic outlook and our roadmap to recovery.

The Hon. Victor Fedeli, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade will join us to kick off the event. The event will highlight key findings of the report and will feature a fireside chat between Mark Poweska, President and CEO of Hydro One and Rocco Rossi, President and CEO of the OCC.  

Register today for the release of our first-ever fully interactive Ontario Economic Report and be the first to hear the most critical data points on Ontario’s economy.


• Opening remarks by the Hon. Victor Fedeli, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

• Fireside chat with Mark Poweska, President and CEO of Hydro One and Rocco Rossi, President and CEO of the OCC

• Overview of the 2021 Ontario Economic Report data with OCC’s report authors Daniel Safayeni and Claudia Dessanti


Every year, the OCC surveys its diverse membership in 140 communities across the province, illuminating trends in economic activity and providing a grassroots perspective of how Ontario businesses feel about the economic outlook of the province and their organizations. This year, the OCC is launching the first-ever fully interactive virtual OER with timely insights from the business community and unique regional and sectoral breakdowns that help explain the uneven impact of the pandemic on Ontario's economy.


What? 2021 Ontario Economic Report Release

When? Thursday, January 28 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Where? Join us virtually while at home! Zoom link to be provided upon registration.


Contact Daniel Safayeni, Acting Vice President, Policy OCC for questions on the Ontario Economic report.

Contact Jessica Wright, Senior Event Specialist, OCC for questions on the event.

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